Monday, April 11, 2011

Entering the unknown...

This is a first for me.  I've never been one to share my thoughts with everyone. I've always tended to keep to myself and let everyone else do the talking (or writing :) However, as the first year anniversary of my shop on etsy approaches, I thought this would be a great step for me to take. It will be a way for me to share my creations as well as the process I go through to develop them.  I've been mulling this over for a while now, and when I mentioned it to my sister she got so excited about the idea that I decided to take the jump and start my own blog.
So to start with I will just tell you a little bit about myself. I'm 26 years old and married to the love of my life. We are currently renting a little house in Bradley, IL. My husband works a full time job and I am currently searching for a full time job. But in the mean time I work on my paintings and my etsy shop to try and bring in a little extra cash to help out.
This blog will not only be about my paintings. I love anything to do with crafts and art, so I will be including anything that catches my fancy. I don't claim to be a writer so hopefully my blogs will not be too dull.  And, please, don't tell me if they are too dull or I'll probably drop this idea all together.  ;)
Thanks in advance for your time and patience. God Bless.