Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A little of my work

I thought it would help you get to know me if you see a little bit of my work. I'm an artist who likes a variety of mediums and styles. I can never settle on one specific area to work on, which some would say is a mistake, but I can't help myself. But for today I will show you some of my fashion styled work, which is what I sell in my shop. www.designsbymonicamarie.etsy.com  Later on I will show you some more of my fine art pieces.

This is Annie. I fell in love with her the first time I painted her. I sold the original acrylic but I continue to paint her in different poses and outfits.

This is another acrylic. She is still for sale in my etsy shop.  This was one of my first paintings where I started to add a bit of flirty attitude into my girls. :)

Here is an example of one of my pen and ink and watercolors. Using these mediums together allows me to get the kind of detail that I find difficult to achieve with the acrylics. 

Here is a beautiful bride! I love to paint brides in their gowns. I love photography and have even photographed a few weddings myself, but there is something about capturing a bride in a painting that is beautiful to me.


  1. Hi from a fellow ETSY team member. I like your designs. I have trouble sticking to one medium too. In art school I started out in metal and jewelry, did a minor in photography and then switched to get a BFA in ceramics. Also make dolls and purses, and a few other sewing crafts. I love how you creted Annie and continue to paint her in different styles.
