Thursday, April 14, 2011

Today's work

My original goal for today was to paint outside because the sun was shining so bright and I just wanted to be out in it.  But the screen door that was hanked out of my hand because of the strong wind sent an image of my drawing board being blown across the yard...thus I changed my mind and worked inside. But I did get to spend a little bit of time outside babying my seedlings for my garden. But then the wind blew them I had to bring them back inside. So my plans for spending time outside today just didn't work out too well for me.

I was very productive though so it all worked out well in the end. I finished a piece I have been working on for awhile for my portfolio. I'm trying to build a portfolio to try my hand at getting some of my work licensed. I have no idea if they will like or want my work but it can't hurt to try. :) So this is the piece I finished for it today.


  1. Wow... that piece is amazing! I'm crazy about shoes! How long does it take you to draw that? I really need to get back into drawing too if I have the time. Also, I think as an artist you do need to spend some time outside, otherwise you go crazy! So that's nice that you tried to make it your goal, even if it didn't really happen. =)

  2. Thank you! Typically a piece of that size would take me a couple days. But this one took longer because of the diamonds. (I started to regret drawing them as soon as I started painting them) And I completely understand what you mean about going crazy staying inside! It's easy to get so focused on our art that we get cooped up for days on end without even realizing it.

  3. It was a little windy here too. =) I think your design is cute! You're doesn't hurt to try. =)

  4. I like your blog! Great work on that heels! Great detail on those diamonds as well...Daniel
